Welcome to the Society for Court Studies!
Founded in September 1995, the Society for Court Studies is the leading international academic society for the examination of royal and princely courts and households from antiquity to the present. The Society for Court Studies has become an integral part of the study of the past from multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and international perspectives.
In the pages that follow, we bring you the latest information, opportunities, and resources on court studies to support students and educators, early career researchers, and established scholars. Check out the Society’s journal, The Court Historian, the leading periodical in the field of court studies for the past 29 years. We encourage you to become a member, make use of the resources contained here, and let us know how we can assist you. Thank you for visiting the Society for Court Studies!
Latest News and Announcements
SCS congratulates the Autumn 2024 bursary winners
The Executive Committee has decided to approve 4 proposals during the Autumn round applications for the Research and Publication Bursaries. The Society would like to congratulate Charlie Spragg (PhD candidate,…
New position: Research & Skills Officer
The European branch of the Society is seeking candidates for the voluntary post: Research and Skills (R&S) Officer. The R&S Officer will oversee the development of resources and planning of…
New research network from SCS affiliated partner
The Society is delighted to share the announcement of a new research network from one of the Society’s affiliated partners, the Centre for Research on Courts and Residences (DaR) at the Institute…
Reminder: Americas branch recruitment
The Society recently announced that the North American branch has been re-launched and expanded to include all of North America and South America. It is now known as the Americas…
Update: Society’s contact information
To streamline communication better, the Society introduces a new email address for all general enquiries: contact@courtstudies.org. The email address ‘admin@courtstudies.org’ will still exist but will be reserved for membership queries only…
Call for proposals: SCS Blog – “The Court Observer”
The Society is excited to announce the call for contributions for the Society’s blog, “The Court Observer”, in 2025. Theblog serves to showcase new and developing research within and connected to the field…
Call for proposals: 2025 Virtual Scholarship Series (VSS)
The European branch of the Society is delighted to announce the call for proposals for the 2025 programme of the Virtual Scholarship Series. The series provides a platform that supports…
Open position: Executive Committee Secretary
The Society is looking for a Secretary to join the Executive Committee. As a voluntary and visible post, the Secretary will play a key part in the Society’s mission to grow and develop…
Americas Branch Launched
We are excited to announce that the North American branch has been re-launched and expanded to include all of North America and South America. Now known as the Americas branch…