Executive Committee

The Society for Court Studies, its branches, events, journal, members, and organisational activities are under the stewardship and management of the Executive Committee. The Committee is made up of individuals who are registered members of the Society for Court Studies and volunteer their time, skills, and expertise to strengthen and develop new opportunities. The Executive Committee meets at least four times in a calendar year. To find out more about the Committee members, click on their names below to read their biography.


The Society for Court Studies has established branches in mainland Europe and North America as a means of extending the impact, presence, and support of the Society to scholars and academic communities across the world. The branches of the Society operate under the aegis of the Executive Committee, with the primary operations residing solely with the executive branch in the UK. The Society’s branches serve as a first point of contact for scholars and organisations within the branch’s geographical reach wanting to organise SCS-sanctioned academic events; propose collaboration or partnership opportunities; share news and promotional materials of all things related to court studies. The contact information for the sub-committee of specific branches of the Society can be found here.

Executive Committee and Sub-Committee Members


Helen Watanabe O’Kelly

UK Executive Committee

Andrew Barclay

Janet Dickinson

Charles Farris (Seminar Secretary)

David Gelber (Treasurer & Administrator)

Philip Mansel (Editor Emeritus)

Dustin Neighbors (Chair, European Branch)

Fabian Persson (Publicity Officer)

Jonathan Spangler (Editor, The Court Historian)

Esther Griffin van Orsouw (Secretary)

Sara Ayres

Advisory Board

Clarissa Campbell Orr

Jemma Field

Olivia Fryman

Liesbeth Geevers

Mark Hengerer

Dries Raeymaekers

Simon Thurley

Malcolm Smuts