Fabian Persson

After completing his doctoral thesis Servants of Fortune in Lund, Fabian Persson is now Professor in History at Linnaeus University in Sweden. His main expertise lies in the history of the early modern Swedish court and aristocracy but he has also written on patronage, palace space, hunting, aristocratic marriage, and drinking. His publications in English include Survival and RevivalSweden’s Court and Monarchy, 1718 to 1930 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Women at the Early Modern Swedish Court: Power, Risk, and Opportunity (Amsterdam University Press, 2021), and Resilience and Recovery at Royal Courts, 1200–1840 (edited volume together with Cinzia Recca and Munro Price, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Recent shorter texts include 

“Public displays of affection: Creating spheres of Royal Intimacy in public”, in Notions of Privacy at Early Modern European Courts: Reassessing the Public–Private Divide, (eds) Dustin Neighbors, Lars Cyril Nørgaard, & Ellie Woodacre (Amsterdam, 2024); “The King’s new clothes? The Swedish Court and its Finances in the 19th Century”, in Bärbel Holtz, Wolfgang Neugebauer & Monika Winfort (eds) Der preußische Hof in Europa: Modelle, Akteure, Wahrnehmungen (1786–1918) (Brill, 2023); and ”Presence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: The Creation of Dynasty” in Liesbeth Geevers & Harald Gustafsson (eds) Dynasties and State Formation in Early Modern Europe (Amsterdam University Press, 2023).