Update: Society’s contact information

To streamline communication better, the Society introduces a new email address for all general enquiries: contact@courtstudies.org. The email address ‘admin@courtstudies.org’ will still exist but will be reserved for membership queries only (i.e., questions about new membership, payment of membership fees and/or a change of address). Our Membership Secretary will answer those emails on a regular basis. All other questions or suggestions can now be addressed to contact@courtstudies.org and will be answered by the Executive Committee’s Secretary. 

For an overview of all contact information, including the EU branch, Americas branch and Journal, please visit the webpage:  https://courtstudies.org/about/contact-2/. Please keep in mind that the Society for Court Studies is entirely run by volunteers and although the Society endeavours to reply in a timely manner, emails might not always be answered on the same day.