SCS Conferences

The Society regularly organizes and co-sponsors conferences on the subject of court studies.

If you would like to propose a conference or a collaboration, please send an email with “Conference Officer” in the subject line to .

2024 Annual Conference

Courtly Experiences in the Premodern World, c. 1200 – 1800: Cultural, Material and Sensory Experiences in the World of the Court

22 – 24 August 2024

Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czechia




Conference overview:

Throughout premodern history, royal and princely courts around the world were epicentres of activity, interactions, exchanges and modes of cultural production that defined the environments of different courts and also shaped the encounters that took place within different court cultures. For instance, visitors of foreign courts often described the objects of the spaces they visited, as well as the sights, sounds and smells of the world around them. Yet it is not always clear how the material or sensory elements impacted the interactions or experiences of people at court.

This interdisciplinary conference invites scholars to gather to pursue this developing field of study, seeking to explore the intersections and nuances of courtly experiences in physical, material and sensory terms.


Professor Karl Kügle, University of Oxford/Utrecht University

Dr Leah R. Clark, University of Oxford

Conference programme (updated 1 May 2024):

Registration information:

  • The registration deadline for the early-bird rate is 15 June 2024.
  • The deadline for conference registration (in-person and online) is 1 August 2024.
  • Presenters must also register by the deadline.
  • All in-person rates include the costs of admission, lunches, coffee/teas, and materials. Virtual rates cover the costs of technical logistics and virtual access to conference sessions.
  • All SCS categories are only for members currently registered with the Society for Court Studies. All individuals who purchase SCS tickets will be verified with the Society for Court Studies membership database. Anyone with unauthorised tickets will have their ticket cancelled. If you wish to become a member of the Society for Court Studies, visit:

Registration rates/ticket categories:

Early bird (until 15 June 2024):

  • In-person - PhDs/ECRs: €20.00
  • In-person - Lecturers & Professors*: €35.00
  • Virtual: €7.00

Early bird - SCS Member rate (until 15 June 2024):

  • In-person - PhDs/ECRs: €15.00
  • In-person - Lecturers & Professors*: €30.00
  • Virtual: €5.00

Bursaried presenters/Keynotes: €0.00

Normal rates:

  • In-person - PhDs/ECRs: €30.00
  • In-person - Lecturers & Professors*: €45.00
  • Virtual: €10.00

Normal rates - SCS Member rate:

  • In-person - PhDs/ECRs: €20.00
  • In-person - Lecturers & Professors*: €35.00
  • Virtual: €7.00

Excursion (optional add-on): €10.00
(Also available for non-conference attendees. This ticket is for those interested in participating in the excursion on the final day of the conference, 24 August 2024. The fee covers the travel cost to and from that venue.)


*This category refers to all individuals who hold permanent positions: lecturers, associate, assistant and full professors.


PLEASE NOTE: Due to the use of Eventbrite for registration, there are processing fees that are not included in the conference fees indicated above. This is outside of the Organising Committee’s control. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Registration link:

To register for the conference, visit:

Early bird registration ends on 15 June 2024.

The deadline to register for the conference is 1 August 2024.

Excursion information:

On the final day of the conference (24 August 2024), there will be an option excursion to Kroměříž Chateau, in nearby Kroměříž. The chateau is historically relevant because it was the residential site and court of the Bishops and Archbishops of Olomouc. The chateau and surrounding gardens are listed as a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site. More info can be found here:

During the excursion, participants will be given an exclusive tour of the chateau and wander around the chateau’s gardens. Participants and their guests are welcome to join the excursion. To join, participants and their guest(s) must each purchase an excursion ticket (€10.00) via the registration page (see above link), which will cover travel to and from the chateau.


NOTICE: While the excursion will be a nice, short journey and the bus company is very safe and reliable, all participants must be aware that Palacký University Olomouc, the Society of Court Studies, and members of the Organising Committee are not liable for any damages caused by accidents or stolen items during the excursion.


Information about accommodation options are provided in the conference guide provided below. However, please note that certain accommodation options are first come, first served. Be sure to review the information regarding accommodation at your earliest convenience.

Practical information guide:

The practical information conference guide contains detailed information for in-person attendees about the conference venue, travelling, visiting and navigating Olomouc and Czechia, accommodation options and a wonderful list of restaurants, shopping and recommended sights.

Click on the button below to download the conference guide.

Virtual participation:

Digital participation in the conference will take place using Zoom webinar. All sessions of the conference proceeding will be livestreamed. Links and access information will be provided a week before the conference by secure email via Eventbrite. The keynote presentations will be the only parts of the conference that will be recorded. The recordings will be accessible later via the Society for Court Studies website.

We ask that everyone refrain from sharing links to the conference proceedings for several reasons. First, the conference is available only for those who have paid the access fees. Second, the increase sharing of video links has contributed to the rise of hackers and bots with academic digital events. With this in mind, anyone who tries to access the link that has not registered will be denied access.

Organising Committee & Sponsors:

Parik Pastrnak
Palacký University Olomouc/SCS-European Branch, Conference Officer

Dustin M. Neighbors
University of Helsinki/SCS-European Branch, Chair

Janet Dickinson
New York University, London and the Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford

Hosted by Palacký University Olomouc, with support from the Centre for Research on Courts and Residences and the Institute of History at the Czech Academy of Sciences




Please visit the Past Events page to see a list of past conferences.