
The editorial team of The Court Historian welcomes submissions of interest, including footnoted articles, or reviews of new publications or exhibitions related to the study of the court.

The policy of The Court Historian is to publish articles embodying the results of detailed original research. Papers are refereed anonymously by at least one independent academic specialist.

To submit an article for publication consideration, please send an email with the article as an attached Word document to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Jonathan Spangler, at . Or submit via our online submission portal at Taylor & Francis:

For queries about reviews or to propose a book to review, contact the Reviews Editor, Dr Calum Cunningham at

Author Guidance


Articles are typically 6,000-8,000 words in length, including footnotes, and should normally not exceed 10,000 words. Authors should include at the top of the first page an abstract / summary of up to 150 words, which will be printed at the head of the article. All article contributions should be submitted as a Word document, with double line spacing, and should include e-mail and postal addresses for further communication.

Translations of articles written in languages other than English should be checked by a native English speaker before submission.


The journal publishes reviews of books on all aspects of court studies, as well as reviews of recent exhibitions. Reviews are normally between 1,500-2,000 words in length. For book reviews, the contribution should contain all details of the book details (including ISBN, number of pages in the book, and price). For exhibition reviews, the contribution should contain title, location and website information. All reviews should be submitted as for full-length articles, above.

Style Sheet

Contributors are asked to adhere to The Court Historian house style. Click here to download the Style Sheet in PDF format.